Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. (Y/N) Cookie, I've always seen you as a timid little thing, and that's what made me worry. "Better." Lychee was dancing to themselves as they reveled in their victory. HmI think you're right, (Y/N) Cookie.". Dragon's Warmth (Cookie partner who's always cold headcanons). You instead see two half cookie half dragons on your couch, they both look like theyre about to rip each others throats out. You decided thats not a good sign, you take one step back. i swear it was love at the first sight with them i love them sm, Okay, first of all, im being honest, the first the time I saw them knowing nothing about them, they gave me so so much himbo energy- but it's okay, i did my research-, They might be living for fighting but, they comes to you in one piece don't worry-, You're clingy, that's perfectly fine, they can hold you with one arm while their other hand swings their sword- But if you're on the shy side, no problem they can cuddle with you behind doors, y'know what- they- they are touch starved too-. Lotus, throughout the encounter, would constantly ask where were you, where was this cookie theyve sensed since the beginning? They call you their favorite follower, but they secretly see you as more of an equal. Sibling trope is one I don't see as often so this is interesting. They did this after they finally gave into the fact that they liked you. You took this oppertunity to try and escape, since you heard the timer on Ananas's phone go off a second ago. Or should we refer to this as sizes. Simple. Hydrangea could now hear the blue dragon silently growl as the opportunity to meet you in the dough has evaded them once again. He was just a child on the streets back then, but he had wandered obliviously into an alleyway and was quickly, but not surprisingly, ambushed by a group of thugs. However, he is the first to have a limb replacement. .Once you two are romantically together Pitaya adores the sugar out of you and makes it known, very physical but stops when it gets to be too much. Except more violent of course. Although Knight Cookie treats this as an important event, Pitaya Dragon Cookie hardly . You flicked your head in the direction of the voice and gawked at how stood on the other side of the hall. You started to call them dear, just to see how they would react. Pretty clothes that have but no longer wear are given to you as courting gifts as well as jewelry or makeup. They blinked slowly as they took time once again to revel in your submissive facial features. This one was a BUNCH of fun to write! Oh! You wouldnt say out loud that you had fallen for the beast, yes you knew of the terrible things they did and still do but you couldnt help it. They have an eye for gold jewelry. Even when the cookies have come up with Y/N Cookie to be the cure, theyll demand that they conduct the tests here, just so they dont screw anything up and hurt their beloved. That one visit would to multiple ones, to the point where they would be daily visits! You felt terribly uncomfortable now that they were completely nude, and their hungry gaze surely didn't make you feel better. Y/N noticed that, however, there was a slight blush on dragon's cheeks. "Sure, (Y/N) Cookie! They could easily snap and start hunting you down immediately. You swallowed hard, trying to hold back from vomiting the liquid back up. They stroked your head before resting their hand on the side of your head. They give you pointers on fighting and follow you around everywhere to ensure your safety, but that doesnt mean youre entirely safe either. When you're up for it, possibly a Pitaya Dragon Cookie X Reader . A lot. They spun the bottle in chronological order. Pitaya had seen cities come and go, kingdoms rise and fall under the rule of those filled with stubbornness and greed. (Cover made by @venvoid on Instagram, please check them out!) SO. Where are you goin- your friend instantly closes their mouth and look back at the dragons who are now staring at you both. ", "Hehold habitsssssss never die, do they? Pitaya didnt pay you much mind at first, you were just another weak cookie doing your jobuntil you came again, and again, and again. insists on hydrangea and her fellow servants waiting on you hand and foot, pampering you at any given opportunity and discouraging them from denying any request from you, spoils you with the finest of luxuries one can afford: jewellery, lingerie, clothes, accessories and more, never leaves your side, having you lounge with them in their palace; constantly on display like a show pony or trophy spouse, theyre most often seen laying on their side with you beside them, their arms around you and their lips pressed gently against your temple, has art and stories made to emphasise your talents and beauty - commemorating you in the eyes of their servants and those under their control, constantly praises you and encourages you to pursue your talents, knows your dreams and emotions like the back of their hand and is extremely good at comforting you however you need them to, calls you their beloved and their darling, rarely ever using your name as youre above such mortal things now. They very much dont like to be infected, even if Pitaya Dragon wanted to use this as an excuse to spar with the strongest horde members, they knew not let the horde overwhelm them. Mangosteen Cookie would relentlessly ask you to spend time with them, you didnt want to hurt their feelings, but you always felt a chill down your spine when you saw that split second look of impatience on their face when you reject them. They moaned and sighed in your shoulder through their mouth, filling your holes with cum, spurting out like leaky faucets. You watched in bewilderment as they slowly moved, going down like a king cobra. "Wildberry Cookie couldn't have chosen a better Cookie!" ", Pitaya Dragon Cookie suddenly took off into the sky, sending an aerial attack on you and managing to hit you, sending you flying. Is that what you want?" Showing genuine compassion for them as opposed to empty worship from their followers makes them go ???. As your relationship progressed they did start to call you honey. Thats about it. You and Lychee are in an ongoing prank war. Although you took quite a beating from them, you managed to arrest them and escort the boy to safety. That left you to stand awkwardly in front of Hollyberry Cookie, beaten and bruised, caught in the act. The works. MATERIAL GIRL! Tells you to slay cutely and that they love ya! .Though I hope you accept that by agreeing to this youre mates for life now. Grinning in victory at the delicious sight, they lowered their head a bit and gently clenched the thin fabric in their teeth, pulling it down with a teasing slowness that only made you even wetter. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-. You widened your eyes in sheer horror. The focused look on your face was amazing, pupils small and never leaving their form. They started to bounce you, up and down, quite mercilessly if we may add, not caring about your pain filled cries. Long-g-gaaaan..! Ah-hh Wa-a-aaait! You felt your orgasm peak as your vision turned blank white, yelling out your orgasm like a poor sinner in church, resulting in a loud groan from the lust filled dragon. They were planning on using both?! , Yandere! And now you got to duel them, today was a good day in your mind. sociopathic dragon man is here. TIGHT. They yelled, and after a few hard thrusts, they reached their orgasm, their first reaction was to impale your shoulder with their fangs, drawing blood. Pitaya Dragon Cookie is a Legendary Cookie released on October 10th, 2019 alongside their pet, Dragon Fruitling, as part of The Dragon Awakens event. They took a hand and gripped your neck, restricting your breathing. The golden dragon walked up to you with a certain twist in their hips, a certain smile their tail grazed your calf , gently curing around it and sliding off before they put a hand to your shoulder. When you all took your leave, they made a quick request in return for the favor with their scale, that you should return sometime to spar again. They sigh and leave. You found yourself to slowly succumb to some kind of erotic fever that took over your body. "I said CHOKE! Pitaya Dragon Cookie was the first Legendary Cookie to have a combi.Pitaya Dragon Cookie's name is somewhat redundant; "dragon fruit" is another name for "pitaya."Pitaya Dragon Cookie's tail is cut off, as Knight Cookie cut it off in the past and it is now Dragon's Tail. Jesus Christ you couldnt believe that you were about to do something so disgusting. .Theyre even more protective over you, territorial towards perceived threats of the mateship. You missed their tongue inside you already. This is all just a bad dream. You put both your hands on your face. But Pitaya watched you with curiosity, they had not gone for the finishing blow like normalthey observed you. They found good fun in crushing the weaker cookies even if their "fights" were boring and pathetic. And I will be sure to even move the stars for you." ananasdragoncookie cookierun purevanillacookie +9 more # 4 . Meanwhile everyone else was sitting in their living room, chatting about nothing in particular. Their wings created a soft breeze as they fluttered. But they gave you no choice as not long after they lunged at your terrified form which you dodged in the nick of time. Lychee makes those under their control do your bidding as well as theirs. Calls you pet names when theyre tired, as they dont realize all the time that they do, plus they when theyre tried, there a lot more docile. Your entrance shivered and tightened, causing them to inhale your scent with a soft, huddled sigh. Yo, (name)! .Theyre more outward about helping you through your fears and heavily enjoys flying around with you in their arms or on their back in dragon form. As gently as they could manage, they picked your fragile body up and left towards the palace infirmary. Well you started. "Excuse me, My Queen, but I have to head to the restroom," you said, swiftly backing up. Lotus has been made aware of your existence, and their wish is to see you. Pl- AHAH, STOOOOP! All in all, very creative and romantic in their own special way. Do we alsssso get bottles of our own? The why didnt matter to them now, all they had to focus on what getting you healed. You looked at them with a touch of worry as they vigorously started stroking themselves off, trying to get hard again. Disappointed that the Mala gang havent brought you to them, Hydrangea could sense the slight irritation in the blue dragons voice, and to be honest, she shared that sentiment, but it quickly passed. , The Secret Life of a Hollyberrian Handmaiden, Pairing: Friendship-Established, Hollyberry Cookie x Reader They whispered, smirking a tad bit once more, "just be my good pet, weak one. The RAINN Organization is superb, and will help you through your case. OK! Y/N, being the naive cookie, tried to tickle Pitaya Dragon. They looked you up and down, and then sat on their knees, allowing you to process what just happened. Going upward, they reached your lips, licking them almost impatiently. .Pitaya dragon cookie is a rough and violent dragon; they crave destruction and love a good fight. After all this hard work, you wanna push us away? "Bite me again, see what happens to you." Y/N was sprinting through the reddish forest, with VERY worried espression on their face, while also holding a basket with goods. Will kiss your neck and tell you they love you. ~| Ananas and Pitaya fight with each other. With all the gifts and protection we provided you. I DID warn you it'd be a shame to miss such a grand feast!". These cuddles are very warm as well, especially where ever youre touching Pitaya. You make Lotus do and try a lot of things they wouldnt normally do. As the silence engulfed you, you curled up in the bed, huddling in the blankets still a bit impregnated of their heat. Pitaya flew back in surprise as you tore one of the axes from the armor stands and swung at them, racing towards the dragon cookie with great speed. Don't be gone too long! One thing you noticed was that they ran off into the kitchen where Longan was. They enjoy being your personal heated blanket on cold nights. It was really a wonder how you got here. It was now in a state of vile lust that needed to be satiated, but your brain said no to this, leaving you conflicted with this opposing emotions ravaging you. However cold, their breath made you feel all the more flustered. "Now, let's get back to that party! Why would I. You stop walking, looking down at the ground. "I know, okay? .In factthey were pretty much your only friend; your shyness didnt do you much favors in the friendship department. Your eyes widened in fear as your tremble became almost blantantly visible to the naked eye, seeing the smile of their quickly fade off of their face. Pitaya Dragon Cookie is a Legendary Cookie released on October 10, 2019. That was until a lone mortal had stumbled into his home one stormy night, drenched and tired, they had watched the human stumble around in the dark that their eyes were not prepared for until they had stumbled into them, Pitayas clawed hands twitching in annoyance at the feeling of having their personal space invaded. #only putting ovenbreak since Pitaya came from there, #Big lizard likes you but doesn't know how to react. Key word being try. Pitaya proudly parades you around in front of the other dragons. "And if you EVER come near her again, our next spar will be your last! Sets up dates that usually have some kind of entertainment like going to hibachi grills where they cook in front of you, it stimulates his tingling braincells and he loves seeing you laugh. Why would they want to take away the vitality of such a lovely person? Very well, peasant! Word Count: 1,200 words :: How romantic are they? ~| Lotus does not see how you deal with these two 24/7, they would probably be absolutely done with those to, if they were in your shoes. Y/N was way too ticklish, " Cootchie cootchie coo..~ Sssso ticklish, are you, Y/N? The fear still lingers though that somehow they will have to outlive you. It's like, ' I'm not even here ' also, you have the permission to cuddle with their dragon form, what do you want more?? They will crawl all over you like youre a jungle gym. Abilities. Ive never been more ready Pitaya.. Ananas looks at you. They kissed you passionately, once again, just like in the beginning. by Is that them? You say. . . . Top 45 Pitaya Dragon Cookie X Reader Recipes . Y/N felt the cold run through their spine, so they quickly got off the dragon, and sat down; Pitaya himself, meanwhile, was about to wheeze. .With this information Pitaya came back with a vengeance, but in a good way! No matter, they could wait, it would make the fated encounter between the two of you all the more memorable. Youd get sent flying when you did get hit but then youd get right back up just as quickly. You obeyed, trembling advancing on all fours. You refused the offer before the others could, you despised the way they use their powers to manipulate these cookies and being harm to many others. Noticing their sick pleasure you instinctively tried to hide yourself by whatever means you could, but the grip that Longan had on your wrists only grew tighter the more you decided to writhe. You sighed audibly at their huge members, seeing as this was the first time seeing something like this for you, the last time you saw something like this was in playboy magazines, and it was clear as day that Longan, with their size and girth, made those playboy models look like mince meat. ^^Uneducated in mortal courtship, Pitaya was VERY confused at your reaction when they unassumingly presented you with a pair of matching gold rings. What doessss it mean, blue? Pitaya asked, seeing their realization. Why would Hollyberry Cookie waste her time with such a helpless Cookie?". Bellflower and the others would refuse to hand you over and the dragon ends up not getting to see you as they feel your presence leave the island. However, the ivory dragon didn't take a very good liking to this, and quickly took your wrists and pinned them above your head with a fast, yet furious motion. You slowly pulled your wrists down, covering yourself to warm up. Pitaya would often come to you to recharge, just melts in your arms, but not enough to lower their guard completely, just to be safe. If it makes you feel better they really like movies and will watch them with you. Hollyberry is impressed that you, in her words, managed to tame the beast., Pitaya bristles and insists that they are not tamed. Hello! They especially enjoy it when you celebrate your customs and traditions with them. Youre my baby youre mine youre mine youre mine forever forever and always, do you understand me? You nodded, unable to speak, causing them to smack your flank once more, bearing their fangs, you felt them spit out, fucking answer me you bitch! Yes!, They felt something surge in their core, something that sent them into overdrive as they powerhoused your sex, no mercy attached. Ananas can be romantic if they really wanted to be, however, they normally come off as someone from a ghlibi film when they try. .Pitaya dragon cookie is a rough and violent dragon; they crave destruction and love a good fight. They call you something different each day however it usually falls on the lines of babe, baby, babes, babeycakes, etc etc, They do it because you did it first and was like huh how cool I got a name . Incredibly cheesy and their attempts make you laugh, which makes them confused, but theyre trying, okay? ~| Both of these dragons get jealous easily (Ananas a bit more than Pitaya, but still). However your position would not last, as you wanted to go along with the others to find the other dragons. They love laughing with you. A big ol kitty cat. They NEEDED to do something. Just leave! It's that twiggy maidenalways clinging onto Queen Hollyberry Cookie,", "Yup. Theyve grown attached to you by this point and probably wont be letting you go now. Web Pitaya Dragon Cookie X Reader Recipes with Ingredients and Nutrition Info, cooking tips and meal ideas from top chefs around the world. Ananas broke their phone out to ask Siri to set another timer for seven minutes. It was almost paralyzing the way they looked at you, their cheeks slightly reddened, contrasting with their alabaster skin. For once, the dragon themself wishes that they could see you face to face, to hold you, to cherish you. They ordered as they once again lowered down on you, implicitly impatient even in their wording. They love the nicknames you give them, and albeit they arent the huge fan of them, Ananas tolerated them greatly. .Then you showed up, you were a particularly fragile cookie. They hated how it felt nice when you played with their hair, they hated how their tail swished and swayed whenever you smiled, they hated how they wanted to hold you in their arms and protect you from the world. 305 Show detail Preview View more .You were surprised with how good of a friend they were, in fact, they were a very protective friend. You suspected Hollyberry Cookie was trying to get your mind off of her little slip-up, but it didn't matter. Itll be fun! They ordered for you to be kept in the main area, albeit out of reach. They learned you personally took the job to deliver their berry juice yourself, a job the others more than happily handed to you. Now, Ananas are you ready? They brought death and destruction wherever they flew, shattered kingdoms and took joy in the suffering they caused. Sure, they won't protest, you two can cuddle all day without any breaks. You couldn't kick the glass away; too many Cookies were around. Headcannons or fic idk. That's pathetic, and" Your eyes squinted shut for a brief moment before you realized that they were starting to move on top of you again, but this time a lot slower. It made you gag, and it was hard to breathe. Fuck some shit up together . .Ever since that day Pitaya would visit you, follow you around and just observe. Teeell theeeemmm! Lychee became very giddy as they then pushed you towards the three dragons sitting together. Red Velvet Cookie's quote about taking Chiffon for a walk actually refers to Cakeberusin the original Korean text. The dragons can gaze close upon you, but any cookies or walkers will have to get through them to get to you. They grabbed dragon's shoulders(which leaved him surprised) and flipped them over, these two switched the positions the were in. This caused you to blush and look up at the tall dragon with doe like eyes. They tell you that you dont have to put a nickname on them if you dont want to because even the shortening of their name is enough to show them how you feel. Its the thought that counts! They took a moment to analyze their threat from before. If you're able to, could you do pitaya dragon cookie x touchstarved reader please? A lot of times youll form a small circle with them and everyone will stylize each others hair. You basically did. After have practically tore your shoes and socks off from your feet, they unbuckled your jeans and eagerly pulled them down your legs, exposing your soaked undergarments. And then after a quick dinner, the lot regrouped in the living room, Lychee still attempting to press Longan to join them. Some of the mightiest of our kings seemed to grow only stronger with one by their side as to them it was like protecting the greatest treasures., I assure you it is something similar of nature.. 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