I want to enjoy my freedom first. All that remains is to put them in my purse, shut my eyes, and thats it what will be, will be. And truth to tell, though hes rather stout, Mr Omelets still a fine figure of a man. So I stole her wallet. . Oooh, delicious! . hungry. Celebrate your never marrying. . Right you just take Katrina in the douche packer to Prom. Yeahan older girl. Level of difficulty: 8/10 because of the single actor and simple set, the focus is carried entirely by the words. A monologue from the play by Thomas Middleton. And in conclusion, may I remind you that it doesnt say R.S.V.P. on the Statue of Liberty. A reserved lover, it is said, always makes a suspicious husband. And a great bass player. Dont I yearn, and ache, and shop? Did you enjoy life when you were a child? Oh, yes, you were a wonderful baby, Harold. Unfortunately, Dr. Nukulyes insistence that she has repressed homosexuality leads to his suggestion that she seek the help of a surrogate female sex partner. LOOK at that f***ing COOKIE!! . You can try to stop me. I saw the band X at The Whiskey and I fell in love with punk rock. Whats so great about Caesar? Ty is my pal, I dont begrudge her a boyfriend. All Rights Reserved, Contemporary Female Monologues for Talent, New Contemporary Monologues for Talent Auditions, New Monologues Written Each Day on Monologue Blogger, Talent Looking For Contemporary Monologues. You have successfully purchased store credit. If you are auditioning for an absurdist comedy, this piece may be a good fit for you. Then she come to so sudden that she bit the bowl off the spoon. MAGS, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? . Then they moved her from the school when she got out of hospital because they wanted to change her routine and they werent sure our school was a healthy environment. Yes, Ill use every art I have to conquer this enemy of women! Simply click on the appropriate link below to access the full monologue lists. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. This is a play about dealing with tragedy and the strength necessary to survive, all in the search for just one good thing. Hudson Valley Cornhole. [] He must have more striking features to catch me, I promise you. . A monologue from the play by Oliver Goldsmith, Act the first, Scene (A chamber in an old fashioned house). (She starts laughing) looming . Its a list. That beautiful mess is Tracy. Why? Blacktop Sky 16. Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we cannot sell to persons in your country. And if I told you that yust MILDRED: Please do not mock at my attempts to discover how the other half lives. But I did like watching her eat. Bit. faith, little better than nothinghes a man, and thats alland heaven knows mere man is but small consolation. That was 20 years ago. . And I cried because I didnt want to be. Sex. However, she has been in a relationship with a man who keeps pushing her to have sex with him. Present day.. And I didnt want to like, marry you? Its actually not that hard to believe if youve ever tried to have a conversation with her. But by the end of the day it was like the more, the merrier. . LEAH. Thank you for your submission. Gin was as mothers milk to her. I do lewd things. We can listen to the music of the city on a warm summer night. Switching Sides - LGBTQ monologue from the play Unbearable Hotness. I hate women who tell me they never had one. But whos counting? And jewelry? But I send them anyway, once a day, and do you know why? People come that like, didnt R.S.V.P.! All of them! just barely touching and I felt myself gathering together more and more and I felt angry with Clive and angry with my mother and I went on and on defying them. . Youre elusive and ungetable, a real catch. A monologue from the screen play byNancy Meyers. And I was on antidepressants for a while, when I was her age. in this great country of ours there must be thousands of people who are sending you poisoned post. These monologues from plays all feature three-dimensional females with space for an actress to show off her character talent. . 1. And these are all the things you gotta know. Indeed, virtue gets up upon marriage sometimes and manageth it in the right way, but marriage is of another piece; for as a horse may be without a man, and a man without a horse. During the course of the evening, Sophie confesses to Laura that she is in love with Mack and that it was while she was still with Peter that she started seeing him. 1 to 2 minute monologue from wizard of oz comedu. When he tapped me on the shoulder in the middle of the night I thought he wanted me! There is no more affinity betwixt virtue and marriage than betwixt a man and his horse. Home; Events; Get on the List! Not. I told you she wanted to go to Paris. Autumn (19) is on the verge of a manic episode right before a tea party planned for her sister Helens fianc whom she secretly loves. These monologues as as amazing as they are disturbing a view into the psyche of the female killer. (Female, Dramatic, Teens 40s) His Excellency Signor the Marquis Skinflint. Over the course of 34 years, Venita, Maggie, and Sarah confront social and political issues as they fight to assert their identity and protect their friendship. . Shit. My Fair Lady. But the wrong effort. Look at her. It oozed and bubbled like raspberry jam! Here is she going to throw away fifteen thousand pounds; upon what? I even find the question distasteful. Mummy screamed . All the time! Oh, if only I could draw out Baltazar no, what am I saying? My parents: Sharon and Dave. BEAUTIFUL DAY A woman who feels unloved and unhappy inside herself because she simply doesn't think she is visually pretty enough. . Yes, were all thinking it. . (She goes to her desk, gets some paper and writes the names on them.) Prague. just to think, Cause were always together, just eating, eating, eating! Now, what would you call a woman with that strength in her have to die of influenza, and what become of her new straw hat that should have come to me? I mean, every single one of the twenty-five I invited and all were important but also everyone left my birthday party every single one of the twenty-five at 10.30 p.m. My father, was a drinker, and a fiend. Leah, just said that you were gonna go with her. Nothing says friendship like 1,000 gallons of unsanitary chocolate! And if you dont, Im ! The second after Id got my drivers license, I grabbed my fake ID, jumped into my Pinto, and headed straight over the hill for Hollywood. They all thought she was dead. Nothing personal, but I dont think were going to have our affair. Grupo Teatro de Barro, San Pedro Garza Garcia, NL, Mexico 2019 (She isnt finding anything in Leos collection.) Eating is great, sex used to be great (remember when sex was great, Mrs. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Bi-Polar Disorder) Do you know Charlotte Korman, big, red-headed, buxom woman, her husband is the Mercedes-Benz dealer in Wantagh? Lillian Hellmann? Just click Shakespeare! The girl is English. But she didnt do it well enough. K, Brutus is just as smart as Caesar. How oft it chances that in dreams a man Has wed . Your registration has been updated. Monologues From Published Disney Plays Female Monologues. I dont like guns, or bombs, or electric chairs. Just kidding! He explained it to me. No. Irena describes her plight as an ally to the escaping children and families during WWII. I know you will never read this letter. We included the most popular dramatic monologues for young girls from a various plays, films and tv shows. [] Well, if he refuses, instead of breaking my heart at his indifference, Ill only break my glass for its flattery, set my cap to some newer fashion, and look out for some less difficult admirer. She needs to tell him things. A husband. My first instinct was to turn it over to the police and let them sort her out. Oh man she scared the shit out of me! Womens health is a pain in the a**! and wears high heels and sexy business suits, she is SBF1s best friend, confidante, and alter ego. Mum apologised a week later for it being crap. . But not always pure. She crept forward and touched it, and then jumped back. See, here he is. My name's Gabriel Davis and I have written audition monologues for actors, from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) School of Drama. They had to go. 10 Comedic Monologues from Characters Suffering an Identity Crisis, 10 Monologues from Characters Seeking Approval, 10 Monologues from Characters Who Need to Apologize, 10 Monologues from Male Characters: Fathers, Brothers, and Sons, 10 Monologues for Women Who Speak Their Mind, 10 Monologues for People Who Have a Bone to Pick, 10 Great Monologues from LGBTQ-Identifying Characters, 10 Monologues for Characters Who Have Theatre on the Brain, 10 Male Monologues from Characters Dealing With Death, Top 10 Survival Tips For Your Next Tech Week. Oh, you look so much older. Everybody is going to tell you what they know, but nobody knowsexcept your Aunt K elly. SHADOWS OF MY MIND Naomi doesn't want to suffer from her darker self and discusses her behavior and emotional problems with her Aunt. I really hate going to the doctors office. He dresses funny, he listens to complaint rock, hes not even cute in a conventional way I mean, hes just like this slug that hangs around the house all the time! She explains to Laura that Mack had told her that before anything could happen between them she would have to choose between him and Peter. So, I maimed. And my whole family is big and loud. Yes, this fellow might be exactly what I need. But shes family and turning her out to the cops would have kicked up more dust with my mom, and then my dad would have had a reason to come out of witness protection to put his two cents in it would have been even more of a mess than it needed to be. Sky Lines explores the lives of Venita, Maggie, and Sarah who live in a rundown apartment building in an unnamed American city. The boys have been partying. Regina George. Learn how to cookbut not for that reason. Doesnt want anything to do with them? Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we cannot sell to persons in your country. . And that was the last time in eight months that I tasted food I estimate, going four times a week, I should be through with Doctor Margolies in another year. 11. Rising Fast Monologue Tara Meddaugh Playwright RISING FAST Genre: DRAMA Cast: FEMALE (MALE) Setting: A HOUSE Age Range: 18-50 Description: Elizabeth is at her mother's house, after a terrible flood that has devastated the town. Number four, Mrs. Darnell! Sleep is a lovely practice for death. (to an awkward girl) Annika. Venita is an African-American woman who has been ostracized from her family for marrying a white man named George. Were living in a new guiltless society. I told him he didnt have to say that. If you must be married, could you introduce nobody into our family but a highwayman? Is this what you want Lillian!? Home | Uncategorized | 35 Comedic Monologues for Women, A monologue from the play by Tony Kushner. that theyre brought to an office building in Maryland where civil-servant types are paid to answer the sane ones. Female, Dramatic, Teens 20s Chicago.. psycho female monologues.. The monsters and wolves in your fairy book are real. . PURPLE: And then the frosting . A satiny mix of white and silver . All of the other kids from school are there, while his/her mom sits in the back of the church, waiting until its over to take him/her home. I don't do that stuff. Thats absolutely. It took incredible will power not to let go, but I held on, whispering, Mags, if you let go of this crayon, youll be run over by a truck on Newberry Street, so help you God! . Its always going to hurt the rst time. I was a ballerina. A monologue from the play by Terrence McNally. What are you writing? Even though they have class together at school, Travis and Erynne dont know each other. ! A monologue from the book/play by Lisa B. Thompson, A thirty-five-year-old African American woman. 18 contemporary monologues from published plays for actors, creatives, filmmakers and teachers. Marry Him! Sorry, Debbie, no Mercedes this year. . But he will. Yes, and cant IBut I vow Im disposing of the husband, before I have secured the lover. It can be comedic or dramatic, . The Pillowman 2. a viper, like your Aunt Kelly. She was pleased. This is dreadful oh God, please make it Anuchkin! My aunt died of influenza, so they said. Arent you?! shell certainly have this Gayless: nay, were she as well convinced of his poverty as I am, shed have him. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Death) The last is a girl who is simply tired of women being seen as the weaker sex. depicts the ever deepening alienation of Vietnam Veteran Travis Bickle a psychotic cab driver who obsessively cruises 4 / 8. Our ePlays consist of short plays for student Featured Scripts 10 Practice Scripts for Actors August 16, 2022 MB Team 10 Practice Scripts for Actors may be used for auditions, workshops, demo reel videos or scene work in drama class. . The real thing wont be so bad when it comes along. So I pressed down harder, my fingers steaming and blistering. You are a . (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Pregnancy) Oh, (chuckles into her hand ) stupid Frank wrote this. WHICH IM SURE IS PERFECTLY BLEACHED! I mean, what mistakes did I make? "Doubt" by John Patrick Shanley. Am I right? To teach thy base thoughts manners: thart one of thoseThat thinks each woman thy fond, flexible wh*reIf she but cast a liberal eye upon thee;Turn back her head, shes thine, or amongst company,By chance drink first to thee. . but even at their best dinner at Antoines or a really good bed partner (and God knows there were never many of them) food and making love cant hold a candle to sleep. Lets see if Shirley Temple and Keith Moon had a love child, shed definitely be Sally. (Male or Female, Serio-Comedic/Comedic, 20s 40s) Often times actors are either unemployed, or on a break . Im a planet. Death Tax 3. Single older women as a demographic are about as f***ed a group as can ever exist. as far as any improvement in his ailment goes. . I must have cleared out every box of Crayolas in the city! We wait for the day when all the grams and drams and dollops of detestation will destroy you. I have to haul a** to the kitchen, re-distribute the food and like squish in extra place-settings and people are on mismatched chairs and all. What am I doing? It was a monument of my castoff dinners, only I hadnt built it with food. That movie The Bodyguard is a lie. Im sure you two will have like, a real bitchin time. It felt very sweet, it was a feeling from very long ago, it was very soft. But why, good fisherman,Am I thought meat for you, that never yetHad angling rod cast towards me? She describes a fantasy shes had about being hired as an actress on a soap opera, which leads into an anecdote about the time she realized that her mother had been married when she met her father. Now, if you could attach Mr Anuchkins lips to Mr Podkolyosins nose, and take some of Mr Zhevakins easy manner, and perhaps add Mr Omelets solid build, I could decide on the spot. I dont know. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. She went years without any real incidents. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Transgender) Gray Matters funny monologue about the guy who runs your brain That night. When she is silent, he assumes she didnt get along with him. I said ship. Rules; Blog; Contact; Browse: Home / Uncategorized / psychotic female monologues from published plays In what way are the others worse? Can you support the expense of a husband, hussy, in gaming, drinking and whoring? Absolutely yes. Hoard of the Dragon Queen 5e tenfootpole org. And as for father ladling the gin down her throat, it wouldnt have killed her. Nick has a love of the Existentialists. But I felt triumphant because I was a separate person from them. The only other people we know are Greeks, cause Greeks marry Greeks to breed more Greeks, to be loud breeding Greek eaters. Heh, sorry mom. . Like, you never just have a minute alone. Not everybody looks their best at 15. It is just so clear! I was 18 before I knew it, and my aunt, your great aunt Sandrashe waited until I was 18 to give me my list but it was kinda too late. No ones care who you are but you, what you do but you, who you inappropriately f*** but you. Petas bedsit, London. parcel-gilt goblet, sitting in my Dolphin-chamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, upon. In a matter of fact I most certainly am qualified of making that point. ahhhh, the frosting! Is the subject of sex being overexploited by our mass media? Well, that would have to be yes, wouldnt it? I find that just as annoying as those sistas who have never experienced cramps. I consider it morbid. . What, youre going to go to Paris with Helen now?! (Male, Dramatic, Teens) Immediately after this conversation with Laura, Mack enters and in a snatched moment between them, Sophie broaches the subject. JOCASTA - 1. Autumns thoughts and speech instantly take flight. I am very happy for you. . O.K.? . Sheridan. I used to have a fat friend. Obviously. Brutus is just as cute as Caesar. Youre gonna hit your peak in five years. . 18 contemporary monologues from published plays for actors, creatives, filmmakers and teachers. Are you honestly and truly going to Prom with Katrina De Voort? Learn how your comment data is processed. Theyve all come out! First, here is the personality interview which you are to fill out and return. Why, thou foolish jade, thou wilt be as ill used, and as much neglected, as if thou hadst married a lord! What would he want with Ty, she couldnt make him happy. []. Yes, you would! Does your personal religion or philosophy include a life after death? (Harold points his gun at his mother), Oh, yes, indeed. I mean Mr Anuchkinno, I wont, I wont. He loved his state. Wed only been together six weeks then he decided itd be too much of a thing. Funny. I'm sixty-two (insert appropriate age) next week. Lucky for her, shes a trust fund baby. See? In your opinion, are social affairs usually a waste of time? Heavens, no! Once married, got up his head above, a stiff, crooked, knobby, inflexible, tyrannous creature he grows; then they turn like water, more you would embrace, the less you hold. Josh needs someone with imagination, someone to take care of him, someone to laugh at his jokes in case he ever makes anythe suddenly. Your mom must be pretty stoked that youre not taking me. I am always telling that to your poor uncle, but he never seems to take much notice . $3.99. She is my sister and everything butDont get me wrong. (Female, Serio-Comedic/Dramatic, 20s 40s) Helena is depressed as Demetrius doesn\'t love her anymore. And what lucky ladies get to share this glamorous life with me? I quickly glanced towards the radiator to see if it was covered. A monologue from the screenplay by Paul Rudnick. As an actor, working with rich text is very beneficial. A room in an older, run down hotel. Ill continue to write. Everyone has their own inner demons, and these characters are not afraid to voice the inner turmoil plaguing their psyche. Are you going to ride around on bikes with berets and f***ing baguettes in the basket of the front of your bikes? Thats not who I was. Copyright 2023 PerformerStuff. Mother used to jokingly call him "the slave." When I grew up, I expected to find a husband as loving and selfless as my father. It is traditionally men who are seen as the harsher sex in modern society and thus it is with fascination that people view female killers, almost as women who are going against the grain of being female, as it were. I FOUND MY OWN MATERIALS . What is that? So I have to use persuasion. THE ALTRUISTS (SYDNEY) DOWN FOR THE COUNT (WENDY) POST MORTEM (BETSY) 20 Funny Contemporary Comedic Monologues For Women From Plays. A Louisiana Gentleman is a comedy that exposes Blaine Ashton, a young medical student desperate to choose among three women: his manic sixteen year-old sister, a seductive middle aged actress, and his alcoholic, duty-driven aunt. Lifes so trying for a girl, especially when shes in love. The girl hes in love with doesnt know he exists, his father is leaving his mother, and his older brother has been deployed to Iraq. Such aWhy dont we just save 3 until your 18th birthday? so marriage, you know, is often without virtue, and virtue, I am sure, more oft without marriage. And Im buggin. Sarah desires a life of picture-perfect glamour and excitement and has married her high school sweetheart Jimmy. No, no, I wont whichever comes out, so be it. He doesn't like that. Just 27 first cousins alone! . All of this ties together when she explains that shes been going to doctors in an attempt to diagnose her depression. . Every girl here is afraid of you. Hes a wellshaped, clean-lipped gentleman. these get sent to the FBI, analyzed, Xeroxed and burned. () I knew she was always a proud sl*t; and now the wench hath played the fool and married, because forsooth she would do like the gentry. Copyright 2023 PerformerStuff. Rosalind (in disguise as a male) explains to Orlando how his brother fell in love so quickly. I am happy for you, Lillian. Crazy, hostile letterslike minethe ones written in crayon on butcher paper, the ones made of letters cut out of magazines. What are you, around 60? Except this Signor Baron, the ill-mannered lout! After he decided he couldnt come to my birthday party because it was too much of a commitment I decided that Id give him my Virginia County. It is the end of term, Mack and Benny are graduating and the contract is up on their flat. After losing his wife and job he is willing to try anything. Before they leave, Peta is insistent that Colin listens to her. 15 Monologues from Published Plays ACTING DIFFERENT Cassandra lets her boyfriend know how she doesn't appreciate the fact that he acts completely different in front of his friends. A monologue from the screen play by Nia Vardalos. Your mamas asleep. 1: Female Monologues.. Using these guidelines, the actor can quickly pinpoint the perfect monologue, then find the text in the Samuel French or Dramatist Play Service edition of the play. Oh, and by the way Elton, she had a boyfriend, and you were weird.. She was in charge of suitcases filled with money and over 2,500 children throughout her work with the Zegota, helping Jews escape and find safe houses during the war. He turns to me and says, "Why so serious?" Comes at me with the knife. Why should Caesar get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? Bill Clinton was impeached but because she needed to be surrounded by more objects that she could relate to on a past life level. Look at this shower! who will, on a weekly basis in Cabinet meetings, shake hands with you before you nod off to sleep. She is so accomplished. . But I dont see a little girl when I see you. I put it in her sock drawer two days later. Im fully aware of the fact that letters to you dont even make it to the White House. . Blah, blah, blah. Here is the first question. Can I have a bowl of your finest oysters. A monologue from the screen play by Amy Heckerling, Everything I think and everything I do is wrong. . So he hates women? I dont fit. Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we cannot sell to persons in your country. ANNA: I s'pose if I tried to tell you I wasn't- that- no more you'd believe me, wouldn't you? How romantic! You may receive a verification email. There was booze but there were too many snacks and not enough Ann Summers toys or something. Them she lived with would have killed her for a hatpin, let alone a hat. (Female, Dramatic, 20s) Brooklyn Boy 6. Oh man, she loves her guitar! Take a lot of pictures. And, who knows if he hasnt just met her. One Minute Monologues from Movies One Minute Monologues from Plays 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Annie): "Daddy, I know what I want to do with my life" 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Annie): "You are being really, really, really mean" 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Dr. Jump): "Greetings, citizens of Strawberry" Why have they gone? Wear your bathing suit whenever possible. YELLOW: lemon curls dipped in sugar . And slides. 24 Dramatic Monologues For Teenage Females, 20 Comedic Monologues For Teenage Females, 23 Best Disney Movie Monologues For Auditions (30 sec 2 min long), Disclaimer: Some of the articles on Mighty Actor include affiliate links to sites like Amazon, Skillshare, and others. You see, she stole my identity last month and racked up about three thousand dollars worth of colored rocks on my credit card on account of her psychic, Maggie, told her that she was a stone in a past life. 1) Helena wants Demetrius back. I was wrong about Elton, I was wrong about Christian, and now Josh hated me. Shes alone with the coffin. You would know that if you got your beautiful-haired-head out of your a**hole. No. Looking for killer audition monologues? Bates, may I please speak with you? Prada handbags, too. . So, you have two cousins, I have 27 first cousins. Lesbian! Her father had depression, too. I must have been having a nightmare because suddenly you and Daddy were at my bed, shaking me. Length: Each monologue is about 4 5 minutes long except American girl, which is 7-8 minutes long. if you could call what happened a rescue. Read about British playwright Matt Fox. The Dutch Courtesan. It is intercut with recollections from the past. This is it for you. In this monologue she expresses her plan to win Demetrius\' love back . Children and psychotic female monologues from published plays during WWII it in her sock drawer two days later is about 4 5 minutes except. You know, is Often without virtue, and do you know but. A pain in the city on a weekly basis in Cabinet meetings, shake with! Older women as a demographic are about as f * * * to... Trust fund baby been ostracized from her family for marrying a white man named George de?. 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