beale cipher 1 solved

Itll just provide context. Unable to solve the other two ciphertexts, the friend ultimately made the letters and ciphertexts public in a pamphlet entitled The Beale Papers, which was published by yet another friend, James B. Of course, only someone who has broken the two remaining codes would know if all of this is true or not. The treasure's total weight is about 3tons as described in inventory of the second cryptogram. keeping the myths alive by rehashing old theories and digging up new ones some of you have read my book and realised i have found the truth,ive contacted most of the people interested in treasure solutions and sent them samples of the decodes to save them buying my book but they dont want to know and dismiss them as coincidence. 2, and (3) how lucky you are at guessing words or phrases that Beale used in writing the set of directions found in paper No. Larry: A couple more thoughts related to American buffalo demograohics prior to almost total decimation of the plains variety by the 1880s. There is no indicationof anything other than hand tools (sledgehammer, pick axes, etc) on the site or in the pictures. 13 George L. Hart, Sr., "The Hart Papers," in Innis and Innis, pp. The pamphlet has two labels for 480. after word 630 ("eat") and before word 654 ("to") one word must be removed (probably "the"). First, Beale would have wanted to avoid a situation wherein Mr. Morriss was able to recover the key to cipher No. The entire thing was to play people against greed and is likely intended to be a sort of F-You to the greedy people who were ultimately just desperate simple people needing money to get by and not be in debt. 1817, not much chance at all Larry. Read the Wikipedia article for more details. Morriss had no luck in solving the ciphers, and decades later left the box and its contents to an unnamed friend. The directionsto thevault Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Who would care about paying taxes or handshakes with the Secretary of the Treasury (argument by unverifiable authority), or that he had no heirs? Canadian sourced hides would have been cheap as (buffalo) chips in Boston at that time, from what I understand and also hides not being easy to prepare for selling back east, should have been a deterant to any such consideration in the first instance. The letter by letter method makes it easier to encode a message with unusual words that may not appear in the book. -ED4CADAndHerself. But a true list of family members would lead to Beale who is a hoax. For reasons unexplained, Morriss didn't break the lock and open the box until 23 years later, in 1845. A translation of the Cipher from the actual Declaration of Independence shows in fact very poor spelling: "I haie deposoted in the copntt ol bedoort aboup four miles from bulords in an epcaiation or iault six fest below the surlact of thh gtound ths fotlowing articiss beaonging joiotlt to the partfes whosl namfs ate giiet in number thrff httewith.."[citation needed]. [26], However, research and facts debunk Poe's authorship. "Does the Beale Ciphers' Code of Numbers Detail Hidden Treasure?" 179-201. . (No source given. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The solved cipher (2) differs wildly from the uniform distribution in all bases, but this is only true for the unsolved ones in base 10. "I can only suppose that he was killed by Indians, afar from his home, though nothing was heard of his death," Morriss explained. Nickell also presents linguistic evidence demonstrating that the documents could not have been written at the time alleged (words such as "stampeding", for instance, are of later vintage). Dating The Fama And The Confessio. The backside of the vault looks like somebody was digging with heavy construction equipment. The Beale ciphers are a set of three ciphertexts, one of which allegedly states the location of a buried treasure of gold, silver and jewels estimated to be worth over US$43million as of January2018. It's amazing how the story can't be conclusively determined to be all false or true.". So #4 above opens a huge and potentially dangerous point. And the DoI does seem to have played a part in the construction of the (as-yet-undecrypted) B1 and B3 as well as of B2, even if we dont yet know what that part was. Change). Last request of Thomas Jefferson Beale Keep on . 38+2=76 = X Before 1850 the U.S. Census recorded the names of only the heads of households; others in the household were only counted. Well done Thomas J. And they, especially HAVE NO IDEA of what they are looking for! If this were on the up and up THE LIST OF HEIRS would be the most important and very easy to de-code. In addition, the original sale price of the pamphlet, 50cents, was a high price for the time (adjusted for. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I wonder what year this cipher genius might have accomplished this feat. In 2015 the UKTV series Myth Hunters (also known as Raiders of the Lost Past) devoted one of its season 3 episodes to the topic. Many alledged re-searchers of this mystery, feel that it has something to do with a massive Treasure of Gold and Silver! Beale entrusted a box containing the encrypted messages to a local innkeeper named Robert Morriss and then disappeared, never to be seen again. Or should I say 24-15-18-20-8-12-5-19-19, i.e. Sending a letter from St.Louis a few months later, Beale promised Morriss that a friend in St.Louis would mail the key to the cryptograms; however, it never arrived. Incidentally There are many messages encoded into these texts, some maybe informative as to the situation to expect regarding the narrative of this story but they will not provide the answer to where this treasure is located or who was involved. The Beale ciphers are a set of three ciphertexts, one of which allegedly states the location of a buried treasure of gold, silver and jewels estimated to be worth over US$43 million as of January 2018. A small pre-dig mpeg video clip is located below..left click to open or right click to download! (LogOut/ After all, who would bring back a fortune in gold, silver and jewels from New Mexico and bury it somewhere in the rolling hills and ridges of central Virginia? According to the story, the innkeeper opened the box 23 years later, and then decades after that gave the three encrypted ciphertexts to a friend before he died. He claimed to have solved 100 of them in a six-month period, according to a 2000 Scientific American article. Chisum: that particular Thomas Beales book on whales was written in 1835, a fair few years later than the events described in the ciphertext itself, so it seems a little bit unlikely to have been used to encipher any of the notes. 11 Beale cipher number two (Innis and Innis, pp. And of course the brainiac rented a truck in the dead of night, bee-lined it down to Montvale, VA, collected the loot and has been living large in a clandestine sort of way, ever since. Our webpage linksare locatedat the top of The other two documents remained undeciphered, one of which contained the location of the treasure, and the other containing the heirs to the treasure. 1 and recover the treasure, but somehow unable to recover the key to No. The "information" that there is buried treasure in Bedford County has stimulated many expeditions with shovels, and other implements of discovery, looking for likely spots. 140 byDoi = I 140=5+6+6=17=Q In letter that he left behind, Beale explained that he and companions had ventured west to New Mexico in the late 1810s on a hunting expedition and while there, somehow had discovered a gold mine. until, at least, the full details of how all the deciphering was accomplished are released to the public, and validated. There has been considerable debate over whether the remaining two ciphertexts are real or hoaxes. The group wasn't sure exactly what to do with their newfound riches, but eventually, they entrusted it to Beale, who traveled back east and buried it in a cave near a tavern in Bedford County, "which all of us had visited, and which was considered a perfectly safe depository," according to the letter. That is a reference to Champ Ferguson (those in the Confederacy will know whom he was). As the basis for one of his ciphers, "Beale used a rare or unique version," Schmeh explains. The Secret History of the Rosicrucians 3. Ive often speculated about whether the missing treasure featured in National Treasure is buried beneath The Lawn at UVA and would hint at this whenever I walk people around the Academical Village. Beale entrusted a box containing the encrypted messages to a local innkeeper named Robert Morriss and then disappeared, never to be seen again. I have decoded a number of messages and texts contained within the Beale Papers and the names associated with them. If he got that letter, he would have immediately known where the treasure was and collected it himself. As noted by Coral Anne, the A Friend letter at the end of Huckleberry Finn (written at the same time as The Beale Cipher) contain information related to the Beale Cipher, We do not recall the grid (it might have gone to 48 coloumns but could have been traditional 36-2 Grid - we will post it if we find it in the mess that is CAD's computer) - but there is a subgrid within that DeeCipher that was 16x8 or similiar. The directionsto thevault Please remember to review the rules and frequently asked questions. One reason that the mystery still attracts treasure hunters is that if the buried fortune exists, by now it has grown to approximately $93 million in value, as journalist Buzz McClain calculated in a 2020 article in Northern Virginia magazine. I believe I found where it could possibly be, but it means trespassing on federal land and a National Monument! [23], In addition, a man named "Thomas Beall" appears in the customer lists of St.Louis Post Department in 1820. I plan on plodding through it more, checking to see if there is some cohesion here. Ward, in 1885. (Members agreed to donate 10 percent of the proceeds to the association if they ever actually found the treasure.). The pamphlet's numbering has eleven words between the labels for 630 and 640. after word 677 ("foreign") and before word 819 ("valuable") one word must be removed (probably "their"). since carbon dated to 1421 (joking fellas). Yet this seems somewhat odd: if there was some kind of strange offsetting going on, the distribution of code-numbers would not need to so closely resemble the kind of distribution you see in code book ciphers. The Declaration of Independence). Thats what any treasure hunter worth his salt would do! A beale cipher is a modified Book Cipher. Of course, Beale could have used a document that he had written himself for either or both of the remaining keys or either a document of his own or randomly selected characters for the third source, in either case rendering any further attempts to crack the codes useless. This includes approximately 35,052troy oz gold, 61,200troy oz silver (worth about US$42m and US$1m, respectively, in January 2017[8]) and jewels worth around US$220,000 in 2017. Ward, whose 1885 pamphlet brought the Beale Papers to light. [20], Additionally, a Cheyenne legend exists about gold and silver being taken from the West and buried in mountains in the East, dating from roughly 1820. And that's a bit of a problem as all crypto subReddits (and both of those are crypto or crypto-related subReddits) have disinformation sown into then by various agencies of various governments that do not like private cryptographers. [5] He also is recorded as becoming a Master Mason in 1863.[1]. The story of the three ciphertexts originates from an 1885 pamphlet called The Beale Papers, detailing treasure being buried by a man named Thomas J. Beale in a secret location in Bedford County, Virginia, in about 1820. Telltale signs in retrospecthindsight is 20/20. Ten men plus Beale traveled back from their mine to Bufords tavern but decided against burying their treasure in a closeby cavern and selected a new unidentified location to bury it. Is this image above supposed to be the solution to the "Beale Ciphers"? Knowing human nature, if there was a treasure, it was found almost 200 years ago and kept secret, otherwise, they would be killed by Beales group or someone else that knew where the treasure was. Was located by The Secret History of the Rosicrucians 4. after word 240 ("invariably") and before word 246 ("design") one word must be removed (probably "a"). How about the chances that someone got the greedy itch to be ultra rich? 12 Innis and Innis, p. 175. Thats a subtle hint that the whole story is a ruse and a waste of time. This thread has been locked by the moderators of r/codes. Ive been playing around with cipher 3, and found that if you use the full text of the Consitution, you come up with Four in the shall person for the first five numbers. In February 1826 Poe enrolled as a student at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. In the second cryptogram, the original cipher errors are highlighted in red. Beale later sent Morriss a letter from St. Louis, instructing him that if Beale didn't return, after 10 years Morriss had permission to open the box. You might have guessed it: he did not return. [22] The 1820 U.S. Census has two persons named Thomas Beale, Captain Thomas Beale of the battle of New Orleans 1815 in Louisiana originally from Virginia Botetourt County Fincastle area 12miles from Bedford County and one in Tennessee, and a Thomas K. Beale in Virginia, but the population schedules are completely missing for three states and one territory. Inside he found two plaintext letters from Beale, and several pages of ciphertext separated into Papers "1", "2", and "3". Im not leaning towards it being real or a hoax I am considering anything possible pre the publishing of the Beall Papers 1885ish. decoding secretly hidden directions located within Cipher One of the Locality Cipher. Many versions of the Declaration of Independence have been printed, with various adjustments to paragraphing, word inclusion, word changing, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. If you know the stories, Beales group was said to be thirty or forty men. The images below, transcribed from the pamphlet, show the original line-breaks for easy comparison. As the value of these artifacts paid for time and equipment rental, the expedition broke even.[20]. No chance at all, because they didnt need them. There may be a valid reason, but again, no explanation is given. The second was made {December, 1821 | Dec. eighteen twenty-one}, and consisted of nineteen hundred and seven pounds of gold, and twelve hundred and eighty-eight {pounds | } of silver; also jewels, obtained in St. Louis in exchange {for silver | } to save transportation, and valued at {$13,000 | thirteen thousand dollars}. First, these are enciphered documents which have stumped the world for almost 200 years. The unnamed friend then published all three ciphertexts in a pamphlet which was advertised for sale in the 1880s. Morriss received a few letters from Beale, the last one in 1832. 1 is decoded with a key constructed from a correctly numbered doi (a.k.a. But language experts who've examined the texts of the letters and compared them to the pamphlet have concluded that "it all seems to have been written by the same person," Dunin explains. 11+2= 22= V THIS = 90, Well done Thomas J. All Rights Reserved. [update] Comprising three ciphertexts, the first (unsolved) text describes the location, the second (solved) ciphertext accounts the content of the treasure, and the third (unsolved) lists the names of the treasure's owners and their next of kin. I didnt mean that I thought it was the same Thomas Beall, I was thinking maybe the guy was using that as a clue to find a 2nd book to decipher other ciphers with just like the 2nd one is solved with the Declaration of Indepence, I think the 1st and 3rd have the exact same system but the hard part is finding what literature was being used to code them. They claimed to have been tracking a massive herd north in May about 250 300 miles from their starting point to a location near to where South Park of sitcom fame, is situated today, which is where they allegedly came upon their gold reefI cant imagine that buffalo (bison) of the numbers suggested would have been encountered anywhere within two to three hundred miles of the hunters location during any part of their trek. Last request of Thomas Jefferson Beale Keep on . A game Im playing has this hidden code and I cant Is there a way of hiding considerable amounts of text Press J to jump to the feed. Beale then disappeared. Well never know. Every chance in the world! The pamphlet's numbering has eleven words between the labels for 240 and 250. after word 466 ("houses") and before word 495 ("be") ten words must be removed (probably "He has refused for a long time after such dissolutions").